The Treatment of Internal Hemorrhoids
Where can you find relief from internal hemorrhoids simply and naturally? Is there a way to get rid of the pain?
These are some of the most common questions among those who suffer from this bothersome condition – especially those who want to improve their situation before having to resort to medical treatment.
There are a number of treatment options available, both medical and natural, when it comes to internal hemorrhoids. Finding the right one to deal with the type of problem you’re experiencing requires patience.
Whatever the case, be sure to maintain communication with your doctor to make sure he or she approves of your chosen course of treatment.
Hemorrhoids: What are they and what types exist?
Hemorrhoids or piles are swollen veins in the anus and rectum that cause pain, itching and bleeding. They’re located in the final part of the digestive tract, which consists of the rectum, anal canal and the anus. The area is vascularized by arteries and veins known as hemorrhoidal vessels.
These veins don’t possess valves that impede the blockage of blood. Therefore, any increase in pressure makes them prone to inflammation, leading to a series of discomforts. Hemorrhoids are like varicose veins. When blood flow is blocked, it can cause thrombosis.
There are two different types of hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids are easier to identify because they swell, cause pain and are located in the anus or the end of the anal canal. Internal hemorrhoids, however, fall into one of the following five categories:
- Grade 1: Don’t protrude from the anus
- Grade 2: Protrude out of the anus during bowel movements and then return to their original position on their own.
- Grade 3: Protrude from the anus and must be pushed back into place manually.
- Grade 4: Are outside of the uterus and prolapse cannot be reduced. These are the most painful.
Below are some symptoms that indicate the presence of an issue with internal hemorrhoids:
- Bowel movements that involve pain and bleeding
- Itching of the anus
- Mucus discharge along with bowel movements
This is a common ailment that generally affects individuals over age 50. However, it can also occur in children and youth.
The causes that lead to swelling of hemorrhoids can vary. Among them are the following:
- Constipation
- Strain during bowel movements
- Chronic diarrhea
- Obesity
- Low-fiber diets
- Resisting the urge to go to the bathroom
- Pregnancy
- Anal sex
- Cirrhosis
- Portal hypertension
The treatment of internal hemorrhoids
As this is a fairly common ailment, there are various treatment options available when it comes to internal hemorrhoids. If you’re looking for a natural solution, there are several foods that can help get rid of bothersome symptoms quickly.
Below are some of the most popular:
To carry out this type of treatment, you should insert a clean, peeled garlic clove in your anus. It’s best to do this at night, just before going to bed. That way, you allow it to act while you’re sleeping.
Ginger root helps to stop the swelling of hemorrhoids. The best way to take it is in the form of tea, along with a bit of lemon juice and honey. This tuber possesses antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that help to reduce the swelling of veins.
Aloe vera
To take advantage of the benefits of aloe, you should first extract the gel from its leaves. Then, place the extracted gel on a flat surface, such as a small plate. Then, freeze the gel and cut it into small pieces. Finally, insert the frozen pieces in your anus as you would a suppository .
In this case, all you’ll use is the mango seed. Allow the seed to dry in the sun and then crush it. Mix the powder you obtain with a spoonful of honey and then eat.
The best way to use figs to cure internal hemorrhoids is placing them in a glass of cold water all night. Then, drink the liquid first thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything else. This will help improve intestinal flora and avoid constipation.
At the same time, you also have pharmaceutical options like hemorrhoid creams and ointments. These serve to lubricate the area for bowel movements and, in general, contain anesthetics.
The relief they provide is temporary, and you shouldn’t use them indefinitely without medical supervision. Suppositories containing corticoids are a good option if you’re experiencing a lot of pain or itchiness. However, their use shouldn’t last for more than a week, given the possibility of side effects.
When it comes to treating internal hemorrhoids, you can choose from either natural remedies or chemical formulas. What’s important is that you be patient and disciplined in their application and never self-medicate. Remember to always seek the advice of a good specialist .
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Angela Ruíz Martínez. (2018). Remedios caseros para las hemorroides internas. Bekia salud.
- Juárez, A. (2018). 6 Remedios Caseros Para Hemorroides Internas. Almorranas – Remedios GENIALES Para Las Almorranas. [Accessed 3 Nov. 2018]
- Mafalda Abreu (2018). Medicamentos para curar las hemorroides. tu a saúde.