What Is Platonic Co-Parenting?

What is platonic co-parenting? Are you familiar with this term? What are the advantages or disadvantages of this new style of parenting?
What Is Platonic Co-Parenting?

Last update: 19 January, 2021

Over the past few years, parenting, child raising, and relationships have evolved (and changed) in a very fast way. In addition, the internet has provided different forms of communication for us, and a new vision regarding parenting and relationships. So, today we want to talk about platonic co-parenting, a new way of becoming parents. Have you heard of it?

Platonic co-parenting is a term used to define two people that aren’t romantically involved, but decide to have children together. Maybe, they didn’t have a child before because they didn’t have the opportunity, or couldn’t find the right time or person to do it.

In fact, every day there are more and more websites dedicated to this new concept. This means that through these websites, you can meet people who are in the same situation as you. And, if you find the right person, you can match with them to make your dream come true.

What Is Platonic Co-Parenting?

It’s definitely not our intention to trivialize this subject, because we know that this is a delicate matter. Thus, we would like to explain what platonic co-parenting is, and what you need in order to make this process go well for everyone (especially the child).

What is platonic co-parenting?

Platonic co-parenting is a new way of becoming parents. When people decide to do it, they get together for the sole purpose of having a child. Therefore, these two people don’t have an intimate relationship (they’re not a couple), but they both share the same dream: becoming parents.

So, these two people share the same rights and they’re both equally responsible for the child. However, this concept separates marital relationships (or being a couple) from conceiving and raising a child. This is a new parenting style, where children aren’t born as the offspring of a married couple.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the possible advantages of platonic co-parenting is that, since you’re single (at least that’s a possibility), you have more free time. Depending on the agreement you have with the other person, you may get to have 50% of your time for yourself. Also, if you have a good relationship with the other parent, there might be more flexibility in your parenting style.

As for disadvantages, you must come to many agreements with someone you’ve just met, and many questions and doubts may arise. However, you can also do this with a friend or someone you already know. But, you probably won’t bond as a traditional family. In fact, this can be a quite peculiar type of relationship.

Platonic co-parenting and children

Many people with a more traditional mindset may find this concept to be a bit shocking. How can you have a child with someone you’re not romantically involved with? How are you going to raise this kid?

According to some experts on the subject, if there’s a peaceful environment between parents, and they’re both equally committed to the situation, there might be no problem whatsoever.

Of course, while raising a child, you’ll always face certain problematic situations. But, all in all, it’s possible to raise a child in a healthy way through platonic co-parenting. However, there has to be good communication and coordination between parents.

“Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. Everything gets reduced to essentials.” 

– Meryl Streep –

Conclusion on platonic co-parenting

This concept is the result of the many changes society is going through. In fact, many things are changing: lifestyle, parenting, relationships, and our own perception of things.

A free society is what made this type of parenting style possible. Furthermore, in the present, we face situations that wouldn’t have been accepted in the past, such as children born outside of marriage.

In conclusion, in this type of parenting, two people get together for the sole purpose of having a child. In order to make this work, both parents need to be equally mature and committed. They’ll also have to think about providing stability to their children.

Finally, having a child isn’t just a whim. To make this decision, it’s very important to think about the child’s future above all else.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Capdevila, C. (2016). La coordinación de coparentalidad. Una intervención especializada para familias en situación de alta conflictividad crónica post-ruptura de pareja. Anuario de Psicología, 46(1): 41-49.
  • Cuesta, H. (2010). El ejercicio de la paternidad biológica en solitario y la titularidad compartida de la maternidad. Aranzadi Socia, 6.
  • Grau Rubio, C., & Fernández Hawrylak, M. (2015). Relaciones de parentesco en las nuevas familias: disociación entre maternidad/paternidad biológica, genética y social. Gazeta de Antropología; 31 (1). https://digibug.ugr.es/bitstream/handle/10481/34248/GA%2031-1-02%20ClaudiaGrau_MariaFernandez.pdf?sequence=6&isAllowed=y
  • Páez, M. M., & Jiménez, M. G. (2020). La coparentalidad como sistema óptimo de crianza de los hijos frente a la crianza monoparental. Revista Conjeturas Sociológicas, 180-198. https://revistas.ues.edu.sv/index.php/conjsociologicas/article/view/1532/1469

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.