When Can Babies Have Their First Outing?

If you're unsure about the right time to take babies on their first outing, this is the article for you!
When Can Babies Have Their First Outing?

Last update: 09 November, 2019

One of the first dilemmas first-time parents face is when can babies have their first outing. In a way, you could say that the time for your baby’s first outing is whenever you feel ready to do it.

Many parents worry whether it’s safe for their baby’s immune system to be outside, or if the sun will damage their skin, or if it’s too cold. Right now, you should focus on something a lot of people take for granted: the baby’s mom.

When Can Babies Have Their First Outing?

What you should know before your baby’s first outing

During their first days of life, the bond between mother and child is very important. These first days can have a great impact on the baby’s physical and emotional development, as well as the mother’s recovery after labor, etc. Thus, the focus should be on this bond, recognizing the family and letting everyone adapt to this new situation.

It isn’t easy to have someone depending on us 100%, and even if you love your little one with all your heart, it can be a stressful new situation. For first-time parents, an outing can be very relaxing, or it can be very stressful if you’re not prepared for this. Take your time and, when you feel ready, go for it. Just take a few things into account.

The truth is that your baby’s first outing needs to happen gradually. Start by taking little walks, run a few errands near your home, etc. Once you start feeling more confident, you can go on longer walks.

When Can Babies Have Their First Outing?

Take these tips into account before that first outing

When the time’s right for your baby’s first outing, take note of these important tips.

Prepare a bag with everything you might need:

  • A few diapers.
  • A complete change of clothes.
  • Baby wipes.
  • A blanket (even during the summer).
  • A small towel. It’ll come in handy if your baby pukes, or if you need to breastfeed.
  • If you’re breastfeeding, you don’t need to bring extra food.
  • If you’d rather feed your baby with formula, you’ll need a couple of baby bottles, milk, warm water. Don’t forget to take enough for two feedings.
When Can Babies Have Their First Outing?

A few more recommendations

What’s the best way to take babies for their first outing? They can go on their carriage or a baby carrier. The latter might be the most comfortable choice because your hands are free to interact with the world. You could also:

  • Choose the right time according to how many people will be on the street, try to go out during the low hours of traffic.
  • Take the weather into account, don’t go out when it’s too hot or too cold.
  • It’s good for your baby to get sunlight and synthesize vitamin D. But, beware, don’t go out with them at midday during the summer.
  • Always cover babies’ heads. They can lose a lot of heat from their bodies through their heads, and they still aren’t able to regulate their body temperature.
  • Avoid closed or noisy spaces. Try to take a walk outdoors, even when it’s cold. It’s better to just keep them warm, instead of keeping them in a contaminated environment.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Doménech, E., & Rodríguez-alarcón, N. G. J. (2008). Cuidados generales del recién nacido sano. Asociación Española de Pediatría.
  • López-Candiani, C. (2014). Cuidados del recién nacido saludable. Acta Pediátr MEx.
  • Abizanda, S. S., Bautista, C. R., & Llop, F. a M. (2009). Recién nacido : cuidado de la piel. Asociación Española de Pediatria. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.