5 Tips for Strengthening Family Bonds in Times of Crisis

In times of crisis, it's normal for families to suffer uncertainty and discomfort. But you can also take advantage of the opportunity to build greater connection and strengthen family bonds.
5 Tips for Strengthening Family Bonds in Times of Crisis

Last update: 15 May, 2021

In times of crisis, strengthening family bonds becomes especially important. And many families do suffer significantly during a crisis. Typically as a result of unrest and uncertainty that may overwhelm.

However, it’s also important to remember that we can turn times of crisis into opportunities when we know how to. So, in regard to improving the relationships within your family, there are many aspects to consider. We also need to find ways to improve the time we spend with our loved ones in order to make it fun and meaningful.

We shouldn’t forget that, right now, families around the world are going through difficult times. Because of COVID-19, many parents are without work or are working from home. Our children hardly have any classes and are at home all day long.

Therefore, we need to work hard to keep this from becoming an adverse factor. Rather, we need to take advantage of this to improve and broaden our experiences. At the same time, we need to optimize family relationships.

How to strengthen family bonds during times of crisis

We need to remember that crises are cyclical and there’s nothing we can do to avoid them. So, no matter what crisis humanity is facing right now, we should consider this as an opportunity to connect with our families. Particularly our immediate family, such as our parents, our children, and our partners.

Parents tickling their daughter.

In order to connect in the right way with your family, maintaining communication and maximizing active listening are key. With that in mind, we want to offer some recommendations to help you.

Maintaining routines and schedules

Sticking to a routine is important, especially for our little ones. Children feel safer and will know what to expect at any moment when they have a structured life with an established schedule. And this is good for the rest of the family as well. Therefore, it’s a good idea to make time for meetings, conversations, and structured bedtimes. Then, stick to your routine–otherwise, all your planning will be for nothing.

Promote individual autonomy in order to strengthen family bonds

This may sound contradictory, but it actually isn’t. This advice is especially directed towards parents with children. It’s essential that you take advantage of these moments in order to guide your children in a way that offers them independence. Make use of age-appropriate situations at home so that they learn to organize their rooms, fold their clothes, and bathe themselves.

In doing this, you’ll not only help your children to become more independant. You’ll also be helping them to become confident and feel a sense of achievement and pride in their capabilities. This confidence is vital, and it’ll also encourage them to contribute actively around the house.

Discovering your strengths

We could say that this is a type of SWOT analysis of your family. It helps you discover your strengths, weaknesses, and growth opportunities in a variety of senses; both on an individual level and as a family. What are your individual strong points? What are your strengths as a family unit? How can you work together and individually to become more cohesive?

A family reading in a fort.

Avoid fear in order to strengthen family bonds in times of crisis

In times of crisis, fear of the future and uncertainty about what’s happening (for both the short and mid-term) occur in every family. And when you have small children, fear and uncertainty can be much more intense. Therefore, it’s important to keep this defense mechanism from activating. Remember, if you have children, they’ll sense your unrest and may experience anxiety as a result.

No matter the case, you should be honest with your kids. That way, you’ll produce less uncertainty and frustration than if you leave them in the dark about what you’re feeling. After all, they pick up on our changes, unrest, and anxiety.

Calmly explain the situation. Be sure to use words that your children can understand and talk about feelings and emotions. You can also use drawings to help express your thoughts.

Time for reflection and less screentime

The quality time that you share during times of crisis is more important than ever. Therefore, it may be a good idea to disconnect more from your computer and your smartphone. That way, you can connect more with one another on an emotional level. You can do this by sharing memories and conversations, playing games as a family, or planning activities that encourage creativity.

Times of crisis are excellent opportunities to get to know one another better. And you can use this time not only to discover more about the personality and preference of each family member but also your own. Use this time to develop values such as empathy, cooperation, solidarity, and patience.

Take advantage of these five keys for strengthening family bonds in times of crisis and make your family stronger than before. Remember, during difficult times, you need one another more than ever, so make the most of this opportunity.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.