Lights Out, It's Time to Read!

Today we want to present a selection of books to help you encourage a love for reading in your children in a whole new way. Lights out, it's time to read!
Lights Out, It's Time to Read!

Last update: 25 March, 2020

Today we want to suggest a unique way of showing children how fun reading can really be. Lights out, it’s time to read!

Children are constantly exposed to a number of stimuli and elements in their surroundings. And with so many different activities to choose from, it’s often unlikely they’ll reach for a book. More than ever, it’s important for parents to encourage a love of reading.

In the article below, we’ll talk about a type of book that will delight your little ones and awaken their curiosity page after page. Take note!

Lights out, it’s time to read – Books to enjoy in the dark

Among the children’s books that we want to talk about today are those created to read in the dark. These catch children’s attention and inspire their curiosity and imagination in a way that few books can.

What’s more, these books are ideal for reading just before going to sleep… especially with little ones who are afraid of the dark. Keep reading to discover our favorite books to read before bedtime with the lights out.

Lights Out, It's Time to Read – Books to Enjoy in the Dark

The “My First Discoveries: Torchlight” collection

Moonlight Publishing brings us this delightful collection of books that help both children and parents discover new knowledge. These books are perfect for little ones between the ages of 3 and 5 years old. The best part? Every one of them includes a magical torchlight .

Each title in this collection has a different theme. For example, marine animals, farms, the human body, or pirates. The books are educational and children use the torchlight as a tool to shine a light on each page, thereby discovering numerous details.

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

– Dr. Seuss –

More books for your nightly reading time

Puss in Boots, by Charles Perrault

Classic children’s stories are always a sure bet for your little ones. However, the book we want to tell you about today isn’t just one more version of the Brothers Grimm’s fairytale. In this edition of Puss in Boots, children have the possibility of projecting the images on a wall to create shadows.

The format of this book is an authentic wonder, as very few books come in the format of an accordion. What’s more, the book is full of cut-out figures that make it perfect for creating shadows on the wall with the help of a flashlight. You’ll capture your children’s attention from start to finish with this spectacular read.

Lights Out, It's Time to Read – Books to Enjoy in the Dark

The Game of Shadows/The Game of Light, by Hervé Tullet

Since 1994, Hervé Tullet has written over 80 books, including the two we want to recommend to you today. Both are perfect for reading in the dark.

The most mysterious shadows will come to life as you use a flashlight to project on the wall. These shadows are strange, hidden creatures that will capture your children’s attention. The Game of Shadows is a book to read with the bravest and most adventurous little ones.

The second book from Hervé Tullet, The Game of Light, has a similar structure as the first. The shapes are easy and basic, however, the format is more attractive to very small children.

So light’s out, it’s time to read!


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Delafosse, C. (2009). El cuerpo humano. SM
  • Valios, I. (2015). ¿Dónde viven las hadas?. Anaya
  • Perrault, C. (2014). El gato con botas. Art Blume.
  • Tullet, H. (2013). Juego de luces. Phaidon.
  • Tullet, H. (2013). Juego de sombras. Phaidon.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.