Educational Stories About Female Heroes

In this article we'll talk about educational stories aimed at children, in which you'll find authentic and brave female warriors.
Educational Stories About Female Heroes

Last update: 16 November, 2020

The main characteristic of children’s educational stories about female heroes is that they’re about brave women who want to be free and independent. These women do what they want and don’t feel conditioned by other people’s opinions.

Probably, you’ll remember the dear Pippi Longstocking, since she was one of the first female protagonists in a children’s book. Pippi was bold and brave, wild and rebellious, free, messy and untidy. But, above all, she was happy.

Nowadays, there are many stories about women who have a lot to say, whether they’re princesses, athletes, mermaids, dancers or firefighters. All of them want to tell the world how they feel. They also want us to know how people made them feel and what role they want to play in the future.

Educational stories about female heroes without princesses or high-heels

There are many types of stories about female heroes. Some of them are fun and original fantastic stories, while others are more realistic. An example of the latter is the Antiprincesas (Anti-princesses) collection from Chirimbote, an Argentinean publishing house.

Educational Stories About Female Heroes

This collection is for children from 6-12 years old about real inspirational women in our history. These stories tell, in a simple way, the life of women like Frida Kahlo, Alfonsina Storni, Violeta Parra and Gilda, among others. In fact, these women break the rules and end stereotypes in all aspects of life: social, cultural, political, professional, etc.

Another collection of educational stories about female heroes is Little People, Big Dreams from the publishing house Alba, written by Isabel Sanchez Vergara. In this collection, you’ll find great women in history, such as Coco Chanel, Audrey Hepburn, Ella Fitzgerald and Marie Curie. To catch kids’ attention, these books come with illustrations and rhymes.

Educational audio stories about female heroes

Un cuento propio (A Tale of Its Own) is a project that includes educational audio stories. These audios include seven real female heroes from different eras and parts of the world.

Furthermore, theses stories come with pleasant music that take us to the lives of women like Gaura Devi, an ecologist, or to the experiences of the Spanish teachers from the Spanish Second Republic.

What’s more, we get to know how Trotula de Salerno, Italian doctor, managed to become the first person specialized in gynecology and obstetrics. Or what meant for Valentina Tereshkova, astronaut and Soviet engineer, to be the first woman to go to space.

Educational stories about female heroes, more to read…

Among educational stories about female heroes, there are funny tales, too. Thus, these stories not only revolve around brave women with a critical point of view, but they also add humor to the well-known princess tales.

As a result, we find stories like Princesses fart, too, from Ilan Brenman and Lonit Zilverman, recommended for children between 6-12 years old. This funny tale debunks the myth of beautiful princesses and shows them as real women, who are imperfectly perfect.

Educational Stories About Female Heroes


Do princesses wear hiking boots? by Carmela Lavigna is another sweet story that puts into question the perfection of princesses through the thoughts of a little girl. The story invites children from 5-8 to be themselves and to chase their own desires and dreams.

On the other hand, the story Is There Anything More Boring than Being a Pink Princess? by Raquel Diaz Reguera is a very original tale. Here, a girl asks herself questions like the ones girls ask nowadays, such as: “Why do I have to be a pink princess?” Or: “Why can’t I chase dragons or be the one who saves the prince?”

This story is narrated through the eyes of a girl, who reveals old-fashioned matters and the need to end certain stereotypes.

In conclusion…

Probably, there are many more books about female heroes that we haven’t mentioned. This shows that, every day, more and more stories are created about women who play an active role in changing the world for the better. And this is a very good thing.

What’s more, we know that it’s very important to encourage children to read from an early age. So, if they include these kind of stories in their readings, it will help in ending gender stereotypes. And this is a great thing, too.


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