The Importance of Early Childhood Education

Early education is fundamental to train children in important aspects such as language and logical reasoning. Here, we'll explain some of the main benefits.
The Importance of Early Childhood Education
María Alejandra Castro Arbeláez

Reviewed and approved by the psychologist María Alejandra Castro Arbeláez.

Written by Gladys González

Last update: 27 December, 2022

The socialization of children during the early stages of life is an extremely important process, leading to positive results in the future in terms of their development, interaction, and behavior in society. Providing early childhood education will guarantee a better evolution at all levels.

We know that there are processes in children that are marked and established according to their age, such as: Rolling over on their own, sitting, crawling, walking, running. In addition, during the first two years of life, most of the developmental neuronal cells takes place, as well as the structuring of the nervous connections of the brain.

Therefore, early childhood education facilitates a series of learning processes that must be present at an early age.

The importance of early childhood education

Early childhood education is one of the most important stages. In this period, the foundations that will serve for their cognitive, psychomotor, and social development can be taught.

The first three years are fundamental, as:

  • Children establish the greatest number of brain connections at this age.
  • They begin to have knowledge of their body and their likes and dislikes.
  • They understand how important it is to socialize with other children and the appropriate ways to do so.
  • They’re in the process of building their personality and language for communication.
  • They acquire autonomy and independence.

All this will undoubtedly help our children to develop in a more autonomous way, and even defend themselves when mom and dad aren’t around.

The advantages of starting education before school age

Two young girls at school writing in a notebook.

Early education refers to that which begins any time from the first months of birth until the age of 6, which is when the school stage officially begins.

Not all families make the decision to send their children to daycare or preschool from the time their babies. There are many parents who choose to wait until their kids are 6. The truth is that it’s a very particular and individual decision, and each alternative has its pros and cons.

In daycare centers, preschools, or other assistance programs, the child:

  • Receives education led by professionals. They have the knowledge and tools to know how to introduce each lesson at the right time, which is totally different from the education used by parents at home.
  • Shares with children of the same age, managing to defend themselves and face different personalities and characters.
  • Collaborates and helps in an important way regarding respectful parenting.
  • Has professional help available at a psychological and pedagogical level. These professionals alert parents regarding any irregularity in the child’s normal process, helping directly both the child and the family members. 
  • Carries out activities with materials designed for each age, stimulating all the motor and cognitive areas necessary for good growth.


Children aren’t always ready to begin early education outside the home. This is something that parents will notice in the presence of factors such as their maturity, their development, or some special condition that’s limiting.

In these cases, when the decision is to keep them out of early education centers, there are multiple ways to help our children in their early stages and in their knowledge about the outside world.

  • Drawing and coloring, which are fun and easy activities for them.
  • Participating in games that stimulate their learning.
  • Practicing some artistic activity, dancing, singing, etc.
  • Establishing routines that include tasks outside of daily games.

How to notice the evolution of children who start early childhood education?

A little girl writing in a notebook.

You can observe the evolution of early childhood when the child:

  • Has freer and more independent behavior
  • Manages fear in unfamiliar situations
  • Learns to work in a group and not individually
  • Prepares for the school stage, which requires even greater demands
  • Creates habits and daily routines that facilitate the process of future adaptation to schools with different and more demanding schedules
  • Practices personal hygiene

Undoubtedly, early education is very important, and as parents, we must aim in that direction, always looking for the best for our children.

It’s a process that requires detachment and not overprotection. Parents must learn to manage the fear that other people will be in charge of guiding and teaching their little ones. The greatest satisfaction will be to see adults in the future who are prepared to face any situation in life.

However, starting early education isn’t synonymous with leaving everything up to teachers and the school. It’s a joint effort where what’s learned at home will set the tone for the child’s actions outside the home.

For this reason, education models focused on positive values and daily reinforcement of what the child learns outside the home should be followed. This is the surest way to instill foundations that are sustainable over time.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Albornoz Zamora, E. J. (2017). La adaptación escolar en los niños y niñas con problemas de sobreprotección. Revista universidad y sociedad, 9(4), 177-180.
  • David, T. (ed.): Researching Early Childhood Education. European Perspectives. London, Paul Chapman, 1998.
  • Egido Gálvez, M. I. (2000). La educación inicial en el ámbito internacional: Situación y perspectivas en Iberoamérica y en Europa. Revista Iberoamericana de educación.
  • Escobar, F. (2006). Importancia de la educación inicial a partir de la mediación de los procesos cognitivos para el desarrollo humano integral. Laurus, 12(21).
  • Gálvez, I. (2000). La educación inicial en el ámbito internacional: Situación y perspectivas en Iberoamérica y en Europa. Revista Iberoamericana de educación, 22.
  • Moss, P. (1992). «La ampliación de la educación durante la primera infancia: directrices futuras, limitaciones actuales». En: VV.AA.: La educación infantil. Una promesa de futuro. Documentos de un debate. Madrid, Fundación Santillana.
  • Pacheco, G. (2015). Psicomotricidad en educación inicial. Quito Ecuador. ISBN.ón%20inicial.pdf
  • Pérez, L. C., & Benítez, J. T. B. (2010). La psicopedagogía como ámbito científico-profesional. Electronic journal of research in educational psychology, 8(2), 893-914.
  • Sandín, B., Chorot, P., Valiente, R. M., & Germán, M. Á. S. (1998). Frecuencia e intensidad de los miedos en los niños: Datos normativos. Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica, 3(1), 15-25.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.