Children's Books on Seasons
The weather changes as the year progresses, and each time one of these changes occurs, a different season arrives. Children know about the seasons of the year because they’ve heard of them. However, many don’t know what characterizes each of them. That’s why we’ve provided this list of children’s books on seasons below.
Children’s books are one of the best tools to help them discover this concept. If you read books on seasons as a family, your children will learn more about the summer, winter, spring, and fall.
Children’s books on seasons
1. All Around Bustletown book collection by Rotraut Susanne Berner
The main target audience of children’s books on seasons are early readers. For this reason, this collection of four books doesn’t have any text. Instead, it has wonderful illustrations on its pages.
As it doesn’t contain text, it can also be a great tool to use with pre-readers. Likewise, you can even turn this book collection into seek and find books. All illustrations are related to the season of the year to which the title of the collection refers to, since there’s a title for each one:
- Summer
- Winter
- Spring
- Fall
These books are also ideal to develop children’s imagination since, as they don’t have any text, they can imagine hundreds of different stories.
2. Tree: A Peek-Through Picture Book by Britta Teckentrup
Unlike the titles we recommended in the previous point, Tree: A Peek-Through Picture Book contains short sentences, intended for early readers. This expands the target audience, as pre-readers can enjoy it, due to its wonderfully detailed illustrations, as well as those who are starting to read to practice their reading.
The main character of this fantastically illustrated book is an owl that, throughout the seasons, accompanies readers and shows them the different things that occur in each one of them. Without a doubt, this is a great book to enjoy as a family, as its colors, good illustrations, and cutouts make it more fun.
3. The Four Songs by Estrella Ortiz, one of the best children’s books on the seasons
A different way of discovering the seasons of the year and their characteristics is through poetry. The Four Songs is composed of poetry on flowers, snow, or leaves, as they’re important elements of each season.
Different but very striking illustrations complement this fantastic book that’ll attract the attention of children due to its rhymes and rhythm.
More children’s books on seasons
4. The Party of the Seasons by Vanesa Pérez-Sauquillo
One of the goals of children’s books is to entertain children and help them have fun. For this reason, The Party of the Seasons is full of fun and entertainment. In addition, it’s very informative. Cooking recipes, riddles, poetry, and many other activities await you in the pages of this book.
In addition to explaining the different elements of each season of the year, it also includes other equally important information that children should associate:
- The clothes that should be worn during each season.
- The special days of each season.
- Seasonal foods.
Thus, it’s a very complete and great book for children.
5. Seasons by Ana and Andrés Guerrero
This book contains all the aspects that most often attract children’s attention: animals, seasons, and nature. The seasons of the year mark people’s rhythm of life, but also of the animals, plants, and nature around us.
This book is a fantastic way for children to understand the cycle of life of each season and how people have to adapt to each one.
6. Oh! Seasons by Albert Casasín
As we indicated above, the seasons mark the life cycle of everything and everyone. In this book, you’ll find information through its images and text in order for children to observe, discover, and relate concepts.
This way, they’ll be able to explore their curiosity in the best possible way: through a book.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Berner, R. (2004). El libro del invierno. Anaya.
- Berner, R. (2005). El libro de la primavera. Anaya.
- Berner, R. (2006). El libro del verano. Anaya.
- Berner, R. (2007). El libro del otoño. Anaya.
- Hegarty, P. (2015). Las 4 estaciones desde el gran árbol. Anaya.
- Ortiz, E. (2015). Las cuatro canciones. La Guarida.
- Pérez – Sauquillo, V. (2016). La fiesta de las estaciones: cuentos, poemas y juegos para todo el año. Beascoa.
- Susaeta. (2016). Las estaciones (ciclos naturales). Susaeta.
- Casasín, A. (2014). ¡Oh! Las Estaciones. Oxford University Press.